25 Hours in Frog Hollow
November 8-9, 2025
NEW Zia Rides Race!
Zia Rides is so excited to be bringing our version of fun to Utah, as we take over from our friend Cimmaron and Gro Promotions. Please join us for the new iteration of the 25 Hours in Frog Hollow. You won't be disappointed!
About the race
Race Details
About the Race

November 8-9th 2025
25 hours of pain, suffering, laughing, eating, not sleeping, laughing more, and accomplishing something big.
Frog Hollow lays in the shadow of Gooseberry Mesa and Zion National Park just outside the town of Hurricane, Utah. Home Base is known as Frog Town, and it is the hub of all the excitement. The 25 hours in Frog Hollow is an end-of-season celebration on bikes. Bring your friends and enjoy camping, racing, and hanging by the fire.
This year, we won't be on the time change due to Halloween falling the time change weekend.
Race Details
25-Hours In Frog Hollow
Solo: Female, Male,
Solo Masters (50+): Female, Male
Duo: Male, Female, Co-ed
Solo Open Single Speed: Female, Male
Teams: Female, Male, Coed 4 or 5 (in same category)
Corporate (6 to 10 riders): Coed
12 Hour Solo: Female, Male, Masters Female, Masters Male
*Zia Rides reserves the right to combine categories if less than three register for a category.
Dates and Deadlines
- Registration Opens: April 1st
- Registration Closes: November 5th
Price Deadlines:
- Register by May 31st
- Register by July 31st
- Register by September 30th
- Register by November 5th
Refund Policy
- Refunds are not offered but we totally understand that life happens. If you need to adjust your plans, we have several alternatives to transfer. See below.
- If you want to be able to request a refund, then you should buy the race insurance available from Alliance when you checkout through BikeReg. It is not expensive, and it ensures that if you get hurt, sick, or something comes up, you are able to request a refund.
Transfers - accepted 30 days prior to the event
- Transfer your registration to another rider in BikeReg at least 30 days prior to the event. Email Dave at gotdirtnm@gmail.com
- Transfer your registration to another race at least 30 days prior to the event. Email Dave at gotdirtnm@gmail.com. We will send you a registration code to be used for another Zia Rides event minus a $10 change fee.
- No changes within 30 days of the event.
BikeReg allows you to make some changes to your registraion online. Dave can help with all others at gotdirtnm@gmail.com.
Cancellations and Insurance
- The safety of you, your crew, and our wonderful staff is the most important thing to us at Zia Rides! If a race must be cancelled or shortened due to Mother Nature or other uncontrollable circumstances, refunds will not be issued. Unfortunately, the money has already been spent and we still have to pay for the event whether it happens or not.
- Zia Rides takes out insurance for all of our events, and we will submit a claim if we have to cancel. We have had good luck with this, but it does take some time to get the funds refunded to riders. So, please be patient.
Category Prizes
Prizes will be awarded to the top three in each category. We always try to do something cool and custom for each event
Fun Prizes
We realize that fast and riders are not the only people that make our events awesome. Sometimes we recognize other folks, so stick around for awards. We don't recognize all of these things every year, but folks have received prizes for things like the following:
- Congeniality Award: Awarded to the most courteous rider on the course
- Most Fun Rider Award: Awarded to the rider with the most spirit (Anders is not eligible to compete!)
- Endo Award: Awarded to the rider with the worst luck
- Best Costume Award: Awarded to the rider who completes at least one lap in their goofy getup
- Best Classic Bike Award: Awarded to the rider who completes at least one lap on a vintage bike
- Best Mustache Award: Awarded to the rider with the best facial hair
- Best Hype Man/Women Award: Awarded to the most enthusiastic supporter
- Best Volunteer Award: Awarded to your favorite Zia Rides volunteer
- Best Camp Award: Awarded to the camp with the best decorated tent
- Best Family Award: Awarded to one of the awesome families at our race
- Oldest Rider Award: Awarded to the oldest rider
- Youngest Rider Award: Awarded to the youngest rider
- Furthest Traveled Award: Awarded to the rider who travels the longest way to be here
We always need volunteers! In return for your time we promise our undying gratitude. But, you also can count on the following benefits:
- Early access to the venue for primo camping
- Awesome swag from our sponsors
- A damn good time
Please visit the link below from SignUp to see what volunteer opportunities are available.
The Venue
- The venue rests in the shadow of Gooseberry Mesa and Zion National Park just outside the town of Hurricane, Utah. The staging area is known as Frog Town, and it is the hub where all the excitement takes place. The staging area is easily accessible, just 1 mile off Hwy 9 in Virgin and about 3 miles from the nearest store.
- Take Hwy 9 to Hurricane. Turn south on Main St , then L at the 4 way stop. Following signs to the Grand Canyon. Take the road past Over the Edge Sports and climb to the top of the hill. When it becomes 2 lanes , stay in the passing lane and make you first left onto Sheepbridge RD. Go 2 miles to the Venue.
- Note: Sheepbridge Road has restrictions for thru traffic from HWY 59 to the Venue for the safety of the participants from Mid-Night to 2 PM Saturaday.
- on Saturday morning take Hwy 9 Toward Zion National Park, just before the main town of Virgin look for Sheep Bridge Rd. ( Mesa rd to the North) . Turn Right and proceed 1 mile to the venue.
- From Las Vegas: Take I-15 North through St George to exit 16 (hwy 9). Proceed thur Hurricane and follow the signs to Zion National Park. Once in LaVerkin turn right on hwy 9 toward Virgin. Just before the town look for Sheep Bridge Rd. Turn right on Sheepbridge RD. Cross the bridge and proceed 1 mile to venue.
- From Salt Lake City or Denver: Take I-15 South to Exit 27 (hwy 17) at Anderson Junction. Proceed east through Toquerville to La Verkin, turn left on hwy 9 to Sheep Bridge Rd. Turn right on Sheepbridge RD. Cross the bridge and proceed 1 mile to venue.
Camping Fees
- Cars and trucks: $10
- Small RVs and Trailers: $20
- Large RVs and Trailers: $30
Camping is allowed at the staging area. Camping opens Friday at 12PM and closes Monday at 12PM. You can’t show up early, and you can’t stay late! Want to show up early and get a good spot, then we suggest that you volunteer. All camping is FIRST COME, FIRST SERVED. There is not limitless space in the venue, and we ask that you be considerate.
We will not allow RVs to park horizontally across multiple parking spaces. If you can’t park your RV vertically into a spot, we do ask that you leave it at home and find alternate accomodations.
There are numerous hotels to choose from in Hurricane.
We love pets and welcome them at our events! If you bring your pups, please keep them on a leash or under control in your area.
Course runs counter clockwise and will be clearly marked and marshaled at all intersections.
Information Coming Soon
- Be nice to your camp neighbors and fellow riders.
- No Littering: Please treat the area and trails with respect. Any racer found intentionally littering will be disqualified.
- Helmets: Required when on the bicycle at anytime, whether racing or not.
- Race Plates: Athlete “Race Plates” MUST be affixed to the front of the handlebars, and preferably in
front of any brake or shifting cables. Athlete “Race Plates” MUST NOT be bent, folded, wrapped around the head tube, or in any other position than flat against the handle bars. Improper attachment of the race plate will cause timing chips not to register and may be cause for disqualification. Also, your race plate number is how we visually
confirm who you are out on the course or in the start/finish area. If we can’t read yournumber, it makes it harder to handle racer concerns that may come up during theevent. - Duos/Teams: all teammates must complete one lap and teammates cannot have more than a 2 lap difference in order to be on the podium. For example, if someone on a team completes 4 laps, all other riders must have at least 2 laps.
- Road and Traffic: Athletes are responsible for themselves throughout the duration of the event. This includes:
- Navigation of the course. While we will mark significant turns on the course, markings can be altered by weather or non-event related people.
- We have navigation resources for you on our website which includes GPS files and maps.
- Riders must be prepared to stop if necessary at all stop signs and road crossings before continuing along the route.
- Roads and trails are open to the public, and athletes are expected to follow the applicable laws and regulations in addition to using common sense and general courtesy.
- Race Calling: Generally speaking, in the case of catastrophic failure due to weather or another extenuating circumstance that prevents the ongoing scoring of the event or creates a
racing environment that is deemed too dangerous for the participants, the race may be called as of a certain time. Final results will be calculated in one of two ways:- The race will be considered over at the point it was called and the results will be
taken from the last completed lap. This will be the anticipated method in the event
racers needed to be evacuated off course instead of completing their laps. - Or, The riders will be allowed to finish their current lap after the point the race is called and those results will be taken as final.
- The race will be considered over at the point it was called and the results will be
- Race Suspension: In the case that the race is stopped and restarted once the hazard has abated, the combined results of both parts of the race will be used. The race clock (which is based on the actual time of day) will continue without pause during the race suspension. Once the race is restarted, racers who are ready to start a new lap will be free to reenter the course. The time for laps completed prior to the restart will be taken at the time of actual lap completion. This may result in racers who had been running ahead losing some time advantage due to the closure period. While potentially unfortunate in some cases, this is the most straightforward and workable way to account for the race pause. The primary concern is working to maintain the athletes’ safety in the face of hazardous conditions.
- Ear Buds: Headphones, earbuds, speakers, and other audio devices are highly discouraged. Part of the point of this is to be out in nature taking in the sights AND sounds. If you must wear headphones you may do so in ONE EAR ONLY. For your safety and the safety of others we ask that you be mindful of your volume and surroundings and ask that you keep the volume low enough that you can hear others. The ability to communicate with each other and other people on the trails is a safety imperative.
- Course Food/Water Support: any person may supply a racer on the course with food and water.
- Course Mechanical Support: racers may receive mechanical assistance on the course. A rider providing assistance to another rider must have entered the course under their own power, either on foot or on a bicycle, not by motorized vehicle. Any rider who has entered the course in support of another may bring equipment and tools and may even swap bikes with the rider in need of support. The cannibalizing of bikes is permitted.
- Passing Etiquette: Follow rules #1 and #13. For those that need it spelled out: (A) Racers riding bicycles have the right of way over racers pushing bicycles. When practical, racers pushing should stay on the least rideable portion of the path when being passed. A racer pushing or carrying his bicycle can overtake a racer riding his bicycle provided he does not interfere with the rider’s progress. (B) Slower riders should yield to overtaking riders. Riders should clearly voice the command “On your left, I’d like to pass,” etc, when overtaking another rider. (C) Riders being passed must move over as quickly, efficiently and as safely as possible. (D) It is the responsibility of the passing rider to overtake safely. But that doesn't give the slow rider permission to violation rules #1 and #13. (E) In the event two riders are vying for position, the leading rider does not have to yield his position to the challenging rider. However, a rider may not bodily interfere with the intent to impede another rider’s progress.
- Course Cutting: any attempt to cut the course will result in immediate disqualification of that racer’s entire team.
- Bad Attitudes: if there are two or more complaints about unsportsmanlike behavior, the racer and his or her team will be disqualified from the race, asked to leave the venue, and will not be welcome at future events. We will also talk smack about you. Refer to rules #1 and #13.
- Penalties: all penalties are determined on a case-by case basis by the Race Director.
- Assholes will be disqualified.
- Act of God: In the case of catastrophic failure due to weather or another extenuating circumstance that prevents the ongoing scoring of the event or creates a racing environment that is deemed too dangerous for the participants, the race may be called as of a certain time, or postponed and restarted, or any other way we damn well please.
- Protests and Changes: must be made during the 15 minute protest period immediately after the race. After that, the results are final.
1b. Have fun!
2025 Results
Coming soon
This is a tentative schedule of events that is subject to change, so make sure to check back for updates.
Venue closed for set up – volunteers and staff only
12:00PM: Staging area opens for campers and vendors
2:00PM: Course is marked and ready to pre-ride
4:00-9:00PM: Packet pickup opens (SWAG bag and t-shirt included)
4:00-9:00PM: Food vendors onsite
4:00-7:30PM: Live music TBA
10:00PM: Lights out (seriously people, you have a race the next day!)
6:00AM-9:00AM: Late packet pickup
9:30AM: Mandatory pre-race meeting
10:00AM: Race Start
8:30AM: Mandatory pre-race meeting for 40 mile
6:00PM: Heading out on laps with lights
7:00PM: Night Time feed zone opens
9:59:59:PM Last lap for 12 Hour Racers
12:00AM: Night Time Pie
11:00AM: Race Ends
11:45AM: Awards Ceremony
2:00PM: Frog Town Closes Down
Photos and Videos
2025 Photo & Media Links will be posted here.
2025 Title Sponsor